Reprinted, with permission, from the Heirlooms Reunited blog.
Names: [some appear multiple times]
- Adna Leighton (1801-1891) of Pembroke, Maine
- Dennerson James Haynes (1784-1868) of Smithfield, Maine
- Jacob Gardner, who may have been Jacob Dunbar Gardner (1797-1844) of Charlotte, Maine
- Ebenezer Swan, who may have been Ebenezer Swan (1775-1880)
- Mr. Tarbill, presumably Mr. Tarbell
- William Lewis Woodworth, Sr. (1796-1879), a Nova Scotia native who moved to Pembroke, Maine
- Ephraim Woodworth, who may have been the Ephraim Woodworth (abt 1826-abt 1901), who was the son of William Lewis Woodworth, Sr. (1796-1879)
- Leonard - possibly Leonard Woodworth, who was a brother to William Lewis Woodworth, Sr. (1796-1879)
The Leighton, Haynes and Woodworth families were connected through marriage. Dennerson James Haynes and Adna Leighton married sisters, Rebecca (Woodworth) and Amy (Woodworth), respectively. William Lewis Woodworth, Sr. was a brother to Rebecca and Amy.
Shown at top:
Document with dates of January 29, 1834 and February 8, 1834, acknowledging receipt by Dennerson James Haynes (1784-1868) of Smithfield, Maine, of $34.47, comprising the notes owed by Jacob Gardener [Gardner] and Ebenezer Swan, and signed by Adna Leighton (1801-1891) of Pembroke, Maine.
Jacob Gardner may have been Jacob Dunbar Gardner (1797-1844) of Charlotte, Maine. Ebenezer Swan may have been Ebenezer Swan (1775-1880). [Either Ebenezer's birth year is incorrect or the newspaper clipping quoted on his FindaGrave memorial as noting his age of 104 is incorrect.]
Reverse of document at top:
Letter dated August 12, 1841, from Adna Leighton (1801-1891) at Pembroke, Maine, to Dennerson James Haynes (1784-1868) at Smithfield, Maine. Adna mentions Mr. Tarbill [perhaps Tarbell] and Ephraim Woodworth, who may have been the son of William Lewis Woodworth, Sr., who was a brother to the wives of Adna Leighton and Dennerson James Haynes.
Pembro. Aug 12 1841
Dear Brother [Brother-in-law]
An apology is due you from me for not informing you concerning your business entrusted to me. I wrote a letter which you will find enclosed, acknowledging the receipt of your letter and ___ I see no chance to get anything from Mr. Tarbill. I understand he owns no property, but I do not know for certainty. I wish you to write by Ephraim Woodworth the bearer of this letter what you wish me to do. We are all well and our folks here.
Yours in haste
A. Leighton
Letter dated August 12, 1841 from William Woodworth (1796-1879) at Pembroke, Maine, to Dennerson James Haynes (1784-1868) at Smithfield, Maine. Mentions Adna Leighton (1801-1891) and Ephraim Woodworth, who may have been William's son but is not described as such. William Lewis Woodworth was a brother to the wives of Dennerson James Haynes and Adna Leighton. No writing on the reverse.
Pembroke August 12, 1841
Dear Friend [or Friends]
I Received your letter yesterday and take this opportunity to write you a few lines in answer. My family are as well as could be expected. My wife was confined the sixth. We have got another girl [Amelia Rebecca Woodworth (1841-1917)] and she is comfortable as could be expected. You inform me that you have been to see Leonard. I am glad to hear from him. I should have wrote to him before this, but was not sure what town he lived in. I have spoken to Adna Leighton concerning the business you mentioned in your letter and you will receive a letter from him at the same time you receive this. My health is pretty good this summer. The last summer I was unable to do any work the whole season. As to our crops, Hay is remarkable good but it is found that on account of the drouth grain and potato crops will be light. My wife and family join me in wishing to be remembered to you all. I send this by Ephraim Woodworth and write in haste as the stage is expected any minute.
Mr. Dennerson Haynes
Affectionately yours,
William Woodworth
If you have information to share on any of these men, please leave a comment or contact me directly.