Photograph taken on the steps of Boynton High School in Eastport, Maine, on November 18, 1912 of students in the Class of 1914.
Identificatons on the reverse were penned by Karl Wilfrid Jewers (1896-1977).
- Fletcher Garnett - Fletcher Allen Garnett (1896-1968)
- Karl W. Jewers - Karl Wilfrid Jewers (1896-1977)
- Elaine Andrews - Dorothy Elaine Andrews (1896-1966)
- Margaret Goulding - Margaret Goulding (1896-1968); married Charles David Mitchell
- Nettie Ackley - Nettie M. Ackley (1898-1927)
- ? MacIntyre - possibly Olga Georgianna MacIntyre (1895-1992)
- Marie Lamond - Marie Elizabeth Lamond (1895-1975)
- Mabel Clark - Mabel F. Clark (1896-1977); married Horace R. O'Dell
- Helen McDonald - Helen Theresa MacDonald (1896-1949); married Walter H. Godsoe
- Louise Buckman - Annie Louise Buckman (1896-1986); married Earl C. Blanchard
- Nellie McMahon - Nellie McMahon (abt 1897-1957)
- Beulah Trafton - Beulah Trafton (1895-1965); married John Franklin Gray
If you can identify the student whose last name is MacIntyre, or if you have information to share on any of the students, please leave a comment.
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